055 | Book Club: The Gap and The Gain with Coach Kiah Twisselman

Listen to The Gap and the Gain with Coach Kiah Twisselman, now available on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts | iHeart Radio

Welcome to this month’s Elevate Book Club episode! In this episode, we’re chatting with Coach Kiah about this month’s book, The Gap and the Gain. In Elevate Book Club, every month we’ll read and discuss a new book as an Elevate community. At the beginning of the month, we’ll send out an email with that month’s book title and the guest who picked it. Then, at the end of the month, tune into our podcast for an episode devoted entirely to all things book club fun! Haven’t joined us yet? Sign up below!

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In this episode of The Gap and the Gain we cover:

  • This month’s book, The Gap and the Gain, by Dan Sullivan and how it was interpreted by each Kiah, Tara, and Natalie

  • What each gal took out of the book and how they applied it to their business and personal life

  • Favorite takeaways and key perspectives

What The Gap and the Gain is all About

This month's book, The Gap and The Gain written by Dan Sullivan was chosen by Kiah because she has always prided herself on being an achiever. However, she's recently become hyper-aware of how that drive to succeed can sometimes inhibit her ability to find joy, contentment, and happiness in the here and now. This book has given her a new perspective on how to measure success which has been a game changer in her business and in her life. Her hope is that other readers will find that for themselves too!

The Beginning

Kiah kicks off today's episode by giving our audience a brief introduction to the beginning of the book. What really captured Kiah’s attention about this book was the sub-headline which is, “The High Achievers' Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success”. Another important aspect of this book is this isn’t your standard feel-good, self-development book. This book was created with a lot of science and studies that back up a lot of the ideologies of the book. Some of the largest takeaways from the book include:

  1. We all have an “ideal,” a moving target that is always out of reach.

  2. When we measure ourselves against that ideal, we’re in the GAP

  3. When we measure ourselves against our previous selves, we’re in the GAIN.

  4. Being in the GAIN has enormous psychological effects, including bolstering motivation, confidence, and future success.

  5. Always measure backward.

Diving Deeper

Diving deeper into the conversation, it’s important to note that all three of the ladies on the show today are Ennegream 3s, so the perspective on this book was very on par with each other, but listening to the nuances of each of their wings was worth tuning in! The first big idea they discuss is the idea that your race is your own and things that are not a “Heck Yes!” are not worth doing.

At minute mark 27:25, we learn some things that Coach Kiah would say “no” to now that she would have said “yes” to ten years ago. One thing she is working on saying no to is doing things solely for the purpose of changing someone’s perception of her. Her biggest point is no longer doing things to make people happy and sticking to her own course.

Make sure to catch the full episode for all the details and thoughts the ladies had about the book for this month. There are lots of great nuggets in this episode that you won’t want to miss, including the wrap-up of the conversation when Coach Kiah asks both Natalie and Tara about what their success criteria looks like for them. This is a stellar part of the conversation that should not be missed so make sure to tune in!

About Kiah Twisselman

Kiah Twisselman Burchett, better known as Coach Kiah, is a California cattle rancher turned motivational speaker and life coach on a mission to empower others to love themselves deeper, care for themselves better, and find joy in this messy, beautiful journey of life. After battling with her own weight and body image from a young age, she embarked on her own personal health journey losing over 100 pounds, but more importantly, the mental weight she had been carrying with her for years. Her story has been shared in People Magazine, Good Morning America, the Kelly Clarkson Show, Women’s Health, and more as she uses her story to empower others to be the main characters of their own.

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About Discover Ag

On Discover Ag, hosts Natalie Kovarik and Tara Vander Dussen share relevant and captivating conversations in Agriculture so you can better understand the food system, and connect with the hands that feed us. Every Thursday they highlight Agriculture in a modern and fun way, giving their professional farming opinions on a mix of entertainment, facts, and trending news articles. Discover Ag has been described as a Mike Rowe/The Way I Heard It meets Claudia Oshry/Morning Toast and Natalie and Tara are very much on board with that analogy.

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