BONUS | Podcast Feature Peak Human: Jayne Buxton on the Great Plant Based Con

Listen to this week’s Discover Ag BONUS episode with the Peak Human Podcast as Brian Sanders chats with Jayne Buxton about the Great Plant Based Con. This episode is now available on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts | iHeart Radio

This is a special bonus show where we are featuring a special episode from another podcast, called the Peak Human Podcast hosted by Brian Sanders. Brian Sanders is the filmmaker behind the Food Lies documentary, host of the top 5 nutrition podcast Peak Human, and an international speaker. He graduated from UCLA with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He has a background in consulting with patients at Evolve Healthcare and co-founded the health education company, Sapien. He also works to spread awareness of regenerative agriculture and increase access to well-raised animal products through his company Nose to Tail. In today’s show, he is joined by author, Jayne Buxton to dive deeper into the Great Plant-Based Con. Some topics you can expect to get insight on include:

  • How diets that exclude animal foods can DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH

  • How BIG FOOD and BIG PHARMA profit when you eat more plants

  • How SCIENTIFIC STUDIES can DISTORT the evidence in favor of plant-based diets

  • How the MEDIA often act as plant-based advocates rather than reporters

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The Beginning of the Vegan Movement

In this episode, Brian speaks with the renowned author and journalist Jayne Buxton. Jayne had published several books, non-fiction, and fiction, on various subjects, but had a strong passion for regenerative agriculture, nutritional research, and advocacy for animal products. She is the author of the recently released book, The Great Plant-Based Con, which is discussed today. Jayne is also an ambassador for The Real Food Campaign and The Public Health Collaboration, while also having written for publications such as The Guardian and The Independent.

The beginning of this episode really starts getting good at the 16:30-minute mark, so if you want to get right to the good stuff, feel free to skip ahead. Brian and Jayne kick off the conversation with a high-level overview of how the vegan movement started. There have been so much many shifts in American diets since the 1950s and now we have entered a plant-based diet craze now. Jayne mentions that the vegan craze started with the idea of improving animal welfare and has now shifted into this ongoing, changing conversation that vegans can’t seem to get straight.

The Nutritional Reality of Plant-Based Diet

This conversation transitions into Jayne breaking down the nutritional reality of a plant-based diet. This shouldn’t be news to anyone here, but at the end of the day, animal protein is a much more efficient way of getting your protein and daily vitamin and mineral needs. Jayne uses the example of quinoa in this episode, saying that you would need to eat 3 cups of quinoa in order to get 25 grams of protein compared to 3.5 oz of steak for the same amount without additional carbs. If you’re looking for nutritional advocacy facts, this is a great part of the conversation to listen to.

The Media’s Power Over Dietary Influence

The next part of the conversation is all about the media and the messaging that the media picks up on when sharing viral worth content. In a day and age where information is readily available, it’s easier than ever to share a catchy headline without giving ANY context as to what’s actually being shared. What this does is allow misinformation to be shared like wildfire and the actual facts of the conversation are overlooked and brushed under the rug. Jayne and Brian go on to say that this narrative won’t change for the die-hard vegans, but it has the potential to change the minds of those who are considering a plant based lifestyle or those who want to know how to have conversations with loved ones about veganism.

The Environmental Impact of a Plant-Based Diet

Around the 56:45 minute mark, Brian shifts the conversation to take a look at the environmental impact that plant-based has had on us. One of our favorite parts of this conversation is when he asks Jayne the rhetorical question of how much propaganda and brainwashing it took to make people think that cows are the problem. Jayne continues the conversation by saying that blaming cows and livestock is an “easy” out when it comes to pointing a finger at a leading cause of climate change. This is one of the highlights of the conversation and we definitely recommend you tune in for the environmental aspect of it!

There are SO many great pieces of conversation in this episode, make sure to join us in the conversation and let us know what your favorite takeaway is over on Instagram!

Interested in more episodes from the Peak Human Podcast? Follow Brian on Apple Podcasts here.

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