052 | Mexico Bans GMOs

Listen to this week’s Candid Conversation: Mexico Bans GMOs with Natalie Kovarik and Tara Vander Dussen now available on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Podcasts | iHeart Radio

It’s Thursday, which means it’s time for a Discover Ag episode! With new segments being added every week, Natalie and Tara are sure to keep you on your toes on today’s show. Let’s take a look at what you can find in today’s episode:

  • Milk is the Moment: GonnaNeedMilk Campaign

  • Industry News: Mexico Banning GMO Corn by 2024, COP 27, and Utah Incentivizing Removal of Lawns

  • Ag Fact: Did You This Weird Fact About Carrots

  • Coming Up: Sustainable Ag Summit

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Milk is the Moment: GonnaNeedMilk Campaign

This week’s Milk is the Moment is all about GonnaNeedMilk! In case this is your first time hearing about GonnaNeedMilk, it is a platform dedicated to spreading the facts about milk and why it’s a necessary part of our diet. Recently, they sponsored 3,543 women in 46 states to run in a New York Marathon to raise money for girls. The campaign was so successful, they raised $600,000. What an achievement! Additionally, they are pretty popular for their Instagram campaigns with celebrities who just LOVE milk. Its most recent campaign featured Sara and Erin Foster, who are long-time celebrities who are huge fans of milk. Another campaign featured Kelly Ripa, but unfortunately, she actually had to turn her comments off because she was getting attacked by vegan activists.

Industry News

Mexico Will be Banning GMO Corn

In our first industry news story, we are chatting about the recent announcement that Mexico will not be amending its rule on banning genetically modified corn by 2024. Mexico is actually the world’s largest importer of corn so it’s going to be interesting to see how this rule affects farmers when it is fully rolled out. They are also anticipating this will make corn exponentially higher for corn in Mexico as well but what Natalie and Tara are most concerned about is the ripple effect that could be felt by farmers feeding GMO corn to their cattle for production. Read the whole story here.

COP 27 (Conference of the Parties)

This international summit is hosted for world leaders and delegates to come together to discuss climate change, environmental issues, and many other topics. This year’s event is taking place in Egypt and there is a lot that is covered at these events, including the discussion of agriculture in African countries. Natalie and Tara are hoping to share some of the discussions in the Discover Ag Instagram stories, so if you aren’t following us there, make sure you do that to follow along! 

Utah Incentivizes Removal of Lawns

In the state of Utah, they have developed a program to encourage homeowners to remove their water-guzzling lawns in lieu of drought-resistant plants. Utah is working to cut down on water use as the water supply in the southwest dwindles over the last several years. This program will give cash to participants who opt to remove their lawns and incorporate a more natural landscape that will use less water. 

Ag Fact: Did you know this about carrots? 

In this week’s Discover Ag show, Natalie is sharing this shocking fact about carrots. She starts the conversation by sharing that some plants develop a physiological response to their environment in order to survive. So with this tidbit of information, carrots develop a higher sugar content in the winter to prevent freezing. So if you pick carrots in the wintertime, they are going to be sweeter! Head over to our Instagram to share that fact on your own platform. 

Coming up: Sustainable Ag Summit

Natalie and Tara are hitting the road next week and will be in Glendale, Arizona for the Sustainable Ag Summit. If you are going to be there, Natalie will be hosting a panel and Tara will be on a panel, in addition to doing some interviews so make sure to follow them both for all of the event updates! Find the link below for more information and you can follow Natalie and Tara on Instagram for live coverage. Learn more about the Sustainable Ag Summit here.

About Elevate the Podcast

Where can I find tools and strategies to confidently and effectively share my story online? How do I monetize my brand? Where can I find community among women in agriculture and business? Can I cultivate my passion while also making money?

Welcome to Elevate the Podcast where we will answer ALL of these questions and so much more! Hosts Tara Vander Dussen and Natalie Kovarik, along with their guests, will bring you tangible advice, useful tools, and bold strategies that you can implement to drive your business forward and elevate the voice of agriculture. This business interview and storytelling podcast serves agriculture, western and rural entrepreneurs who want to excel in the social space and make their dreams a reality. Tune in every week to dig into entrepreneurs’ stories as they share the problems they encountered and opportunities they created as a way to educate, inspire and encourage the dreamer inside of all of us.

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053 | Beef has Beef With Google


051 | Farm Bill & Prop 12 with President Duvall of American Farm Bureau